The face that your company presents to the world plays a massive role in client retention and overall profits. Few people have as much of an impact in this regard than the receptionist. Receptionists greet guests, answer the phones, and keep visitors happy while they wait for appointments.

Despite this vital role, it can be difficult to find effective receptionists. Locating candidates with the right experience and who are the proper fit for your company can be difficult. In addition, searching through résumés and scheduling interviews can take up hours that would be better spent building your company.

A receptionist administrator recruiter in the Bay Area may be able to find the right candidate for you. A skilled staffing agency takes care of the initial portion of screening candidates and testing their skills. Once they recommend a potential match, you have the final say over whether this person is the right receptionist for you.

The Critical Role in a Company’s Operations

No company operates in a bubble. Even smaller operations that perform a majority of their functions internally must occasionally deal with new clients and potential business partners. To make these operations go as smoothly as possible, it is essential to have an effective public image. This includes having competent and friendly reception staff.

Receptionists are often the first contact that a company has with other people. This can include potential new hires who often judge a company by their experiences while waiting to speak with hiring managers. Receptionists must perform a variety of duties that include:

  • Answering phones
  • Sending emails
  • Greeting guests
  • Ensuring that guests feel welcome and comfortable

Every business will benefit from an effective public image. Working with a receptionist administrator recruiter in the Bay Area could help a business secure this improved image.

Steps that a Receptionist Administrator Recruiter in the Bay Area Could Take the Ensure a Good Fit for Your Company

Hiring a new worker is never a simple process. At the very least, companies will need to sort résumés and conduct interviews. Beyond this, it is often necessary to conduct some sort of skill test. A Bay Area front receptionist recruiter takes the lead in each of these processes.

They vet every person who enters their candidate pool. This work includes analyzing the applications, ensuring that possible candidates can perform the day-to-day responsibilities of the job, and conducting initial interviews to determine if an individual possesses the right temperament and attitude for the business. In short, a staffer does most of the heavy lifting in winnowing the field of candidates, allowing a business to speak with the most qualified and ultimately making the final decision.

Contact a Receptionist Administrator Recruiter in the Bay Area for Your Staffing Needs

A vital part of doing business in the Bay Area involves presenting a good face to the public. Having competent and friendly reception and administration staff is key to this process. These people are often the first point of contact for new hires, potential clients, and possible partners. They also handle day-to-day tasks of answering emails and providing support to others, which is crucial to the daily functioning of a business.

Let a receptionist administrator recruiter in the Bay Area help you find the right hire. They can perform all the preliminary work involved in the hiring process, allowing you to choose from a pool of only the most qualified candidates. Contact us now to see if we can simplify your recruitment plans.